Hi! I'm Bérengère — a junior web developper based in Brussels.

I started to find an interest in coding early 2020, and really started to treat this interest as a passion mid-year, and I haven’t stopped since then.
Thanks to my internship @ BeCode, I was taught at lot more about the visual and design aspect websites can have. I have learned my way around basic HTML code, CSS/SASS styling, Javascript, React and much more !

Fueled by creativity and a client-based view, I love to create fun, sleek and original webpages. Continuously learning, I’m eager to know more and more about the vast world of coding, to provide you all with the best web experiences and interfaces.
Any questions ? Don't hesitate to send me an email or slide into my dms!


Carousel controller

Want to contact me ? Here are my socials

EMAIL ME : berengere@carpentier.brussels